Student Life
Classrooms open at 8:10 a.m. each day. ELC students are asked to arrive no earlier than that. Elementary students may attend before-school care, at no additional charge, starting at 7:30 a.m., proctored by associate teachers.
PBS partners with third-party vendor School Foodies to provide nutritious, fulfilling lunches that are prepared in a nut-free, allergen-safe facility. Parents who do not wish to purchase lunches may send packed lunches to school.
Dress Code
ELC students may wear appropriate, comfortable clothing of their choice. Elementary students adhere to a dress code of blue or white tops and blue or khaki bottoms. Optional logo apparel is available.
Rotating Schedule
PBS operates on a rotating, 6-day schedule Monday through Thursday with the same schedule each Friday (called CONNECT Friday). Each of the 6 days of the schedule includes core classes like math, reading, and writing. In addition, each day brings different specialist classes into the rotation, as well as regular times for lunch, recess, Morning Meeting, and Closing Circle. PBS adopted this schedule to create an academic rhythm for students to follow that wouldn’t be interrupted by days off from school.
* Due to the changing circumstances surrounding COVID-19, we have temporarily suspended before-school care & shuttle services.