Your School


Phillips Brooks School is located at 2245 Avy Avenue in Menlo Park. Google can help you get directions to campus using the widget below.


Phillips Brooks School is committed to being a great neighbor to our Menlo Park community. Part of that commitment is making sure that PBS families park in agreed-upon areas and observe the following expectations:

  1. Parking by PBS families is prohibited on the side of Avy Avenue opposite PBS and on either side of Zachary Court, Deanna Drive, and Bellair Way. These areas are marked in red on the diagram.
  2. Parking is permitted in the PBS lot, either of the St. Denis Church lots where designated, and on the PBS side of Avy Avenue (away from red-painted curbs). These areas are marked in green on the diagram. (Thanks to St. Denis Church for their kind permission to use their lots.) 

Click the diagram below for a higher-resolution version.