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Text: %22Phillips Brooks School Curriculum Guide: Library%22 over a photo of the librarian reading to a group of students
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Curriculum Guide: Library

The PBS Approach

Students access our well-resourced library through regular visits with our Librarian. Through stories and book talks, the library fosters an appreciation of traditional and current literature, as students are exposed to the best of fiction and nonfiction books. Library visits offer support to the classroom literacy curriculum and enhance each student’s cultural literacy. Learning to read and becoming fluent as a reader is hard work. The library program seeks to develop a love of the written word in PBS students so they are inspired to do that work. The library also sponsors visits to campus by children’s authors each year, giving students the opportunity to ask questions and get to know the inspiration behind their work.


  • Honoring the child as a reader and researcher.
  • Exposing the learner to the best available literature to expand their world and emotional understandings.
  • Valuing evidence-based discussion, evaluation, and opinion development.

Key Concepts and Emphasis

From the PBS Blog…